DHA is classified as essential fatty acids and must be supplemented from external source. Although many chronic conditions are associated with excessive intake of dietary saturated and trans fatty acids (e.g., obesity, insulin resistance, coronary heart disease, and some forms of cancer), research shows that DHA (an unsaturated fatty acid) is essential in the prevention and treatment of numerous diseases and is especially beneficial for children in improving memory and cognitive health.

Expert's Speak

  • Smart food choices in pregnancy

    Smart food choices in pregnancy

    A healthy and nutritious diet is an important part of healthy life at any time, but is especially critical if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy

  • Helping your kids eat healthier

    Helping your kids eat healthier

    Growing children need to consume a variety of foods from different food groups to get all the nutrients necessary for their growth

  • Smart food choices in pregnancy

    Smart food choices in pregnancy

    A healthy and nutritious diet is an important part of healthy life at any time, but is especially critical if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy

  • Healthy diet for a healthy heart

    Healthy diet for a healthy heart

    It is a known fact that weight control and regular exercises are critical for keeping your heart healthy - but the food you eat

  • Eat well as you age

    Eat well as you age

    A healthy diet gives energy, maintains your weight, balances your emotions, increases resistance to illness and better management

  • Eat right for good sight

    Eat right for good sight

    Healthy and active lifestyle is the key to bright eyes. Adding more of healthy food to your diet will help keep them sparkling and strong

  • Memory boosting diet

    Memory boosting diet

    Eating the right foods can improve your memory, increase your concentration and lift your mood for longer.

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Test Your Knowledge

  • BioDHA launch july 14 2013


    In which trimester, healthy eating habits are most important for the well-being of the developing fetus?

  • How can you help your child learn about nutrition?


    How can you help your child learn about nutrition?

  • ASN annual academic session

    Omega 3 DHA

    How many servings of fruits do you usually eat in a day, including fresh, canned and dried fruits?

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